Have you ever tried to cram for a test? You know the late night studying, the extra pot of coffee the dreaded no-dose! Only to wake up the next morning realizing that everything you tried to force feed into your mind went in through the eyes and out through the... What did you retain the next day or worse yet what did you remember for the final exam... probably not much!
I agree with Mark Batterson on his comments about us as Christians. You see, when you try to cram truth (God's Word) into the mind it very rarely gets past the short-term memory. And it definitely doesn't get into the soul. I'm afraid that that is what happens in most churches most weekends. I fear that we have lost our holy curiosity!
The church ought to be the most curios place on the planet as Mark says... We ought to be a safe place where people can ask dangerous questions, but all too often we're guilty of answering questions that no one even asks. We ought to be challenging the status quo, not defending it! What if we stopped force-feeding answers and learned to unleash the primal curiosity in our congregations?
So who is more curious... you or your Pastor? Who's spending time more time in the Word... you or your Pastor? How about time spent talking with Lord are you or your Pastor spending more time chatting it up with the Father?
Here's my answer to all of those questions... While Pastor's tend to spend more time doing those things as an occupational job requirement... we both should be spending the same mount of time growing in our personal curiosity, increasing our personal Bible reading and deepening our personal prayer time! My sermon prep or small group prep is different than developing a holy curiosity and desire to know and love the Lord with all my heart.
Don't miss out on what God has for you.... check Him out! Be curious and be amazed at what He will show you! I know He is showing me new things everyday!
Pastor John