Friday, July 31, 2009

Loving those that....

I have been overwhelmed this week with God's love for those that don't yet know Him.
Think about this....
1. Jesus came and lived on this earth so that you and I might have life after this life on earth. He gave up His heavenly home so that we could someday have a heavenly home. Would you be willing to give up your home - so someone that you don't know yet, could move in? Not sell your home, share your home.
2. Jesus became sin, so you and I could be sinless. Meaning, He said I will pay the price for everything that you and I ever did that broke God's law. I will be the guilty one and be given a death sentence for our sin. So we can go free!
3. Jesus came back after His death. It amazes me that Jesus came back to earth to make sure that you and I had another opportunity to know of His love. I don't know about you, but if someone had sentenced me to death and I had the opportunity to come back and tell them again that I forgive them and love them... wow! That is amazing!
4. He established His church to keep on reaching those that didn't have the opportunity to meet Him personally (face to face). It's time that the church returns to our original purpose. To love those that need to know Christ. To accept them as they are, to be a live, real, genuine, example of Christ. It's time to stop saving our favorite pew spot and start loving those that want to sit in our favorite spot. It's time to give up my wants and needs, so that His wants (reaching the lost) become my need to love those that need Him.

So on Sunday, (and for that matter all week long) look for those that should be sitting in your seat and invite them to meet someone who will change their live forever! (Jesus)

Pastor John

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Showing love for our spouses!

Last Sunday evening we watched the movie Fireproof. Great movie! As a former Volunteer Firefighter I really got into the role played by Kirk Cameron. The adrenalin rush as a firefighter when the bell rings in absolutely incredable. But why don't we get the same rush with our spouses? After all aren't they hotter than any fire?

My fear is that we sometimes let the embers burn too low and we don't work to stoke the fire that can rekindle the love flame for our spouses. In the movie, the father gives his son a book... "The love dare" is a 40 day challenge that will get the adrenalin rush going in your marriage, and it might even re-ignite the flame! Check it out...

I loved some of the quotes from the movie that really made me think....

"A real man has to be a hero to his wife before he can be a hero to anyone else. Or he ain't a real man!"

"You have to lead your heart. Your heart can be deceived."

"Watch out for parasites! They steal away your loyalty and your heart. They will destroy you!"

"I learned you never leave your partner... especially in a fire!"

This week do something memorable for that special love in your life. Something unexpected! Something to show them that you love them more than others.... Be their hero!

Tell them how much you love them! (By the way.... as you read this Brenda.... I love you!)

Pastor John

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It's half-time - Time to plan, prepare and pursue your dreams

Here we are on July 15th, the second half of the year has begun. So where are you in plan or dreams for 2009?

Looking back on my plans for 2009 I need to do some re-focusing and re-prioritizing. I started the year with several plans and one plan was to read through the Bible this year. I did great until the end of February and since then, well I have some catching up to do!

On the business side, we are on track. Why is that? It's because we review our plans daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly. So it is harder to sway off course. We hold each other accountable.

So here's the question.... Why don't we hold ourselves more accountable spiritually? Is it the fear of not meeting God's expectation or man's expectation? Is it that we don't have a spiritual plan?

Whatever the reason, now is the time to plan, prepare and pursue those spiritual dreams. Get close to God and hear His heart, listen to His voice, read His Word and let Him speak directly into your life. Seek Him with all your heart, soul and mind!

I am looking forward to hearing and seeing what God is doing in you this second half of 2009!

May the Lord Bless you!

Pastor John

Thursday, July 9, 2009

What's your thoughts on why people love Jesus but not the church...

I woke up early this morning wrestling with the reasons on why people love Jesus but not the church. Just before I arrived at our staff meeting I heard the Lord in that still small voice say; "Why don't you wrestle with me and don't worry about the "church"". I realized that I was spending too much time trying to make "man" happy versus just doing what Jesus asked us to do, which is be His disciples, model Christ to the world and He will take care of the rest.

So I twittered the question this morning and here are some of the responses... thanks for responding. And Susan, thanks for the great quote - "Casual about church - Serious about God" I love it...

"The thing that came to my mind first was (1)the church is made up of people and (2)some have been hurt, disappointed, and rejected so they withdraw from organized fellowship".

"The people, with all their flaws, the gossip, the clicks, the rumors, the money, the clothes, It can be scary. I do not feel like people feel they can just walk in off the street, in what they are wearing and be accepted. AND they should be able to. The church is what they need".

"good point about "can just walk in..." We changed churches 3 1/2 years ago, after 27 years at the place my husband served as elder 26 of those years. Our new one is very unpretentious and, while it took us middle-class, suburbia folks a little time to get used to it...we love it. One of their motto's is: casual about church, serious about God".

"I am not against dressing up. I love to. Just most of the time, people cannot afford to. They feel like they have to, and will not come out of pride".

"because Jesus is flawless while loving everyone unconditionally and the church is flawed".

May we all be more like Jesus in a world that need Him more everyday!

Pastor John

Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July

As we celebrate this 4th of July, please take time to remember our troops that are continuing to fight for our freedom. Just as our founding fathers stepped out in faith to frame this wonderful country, it's now time for us to step out in faith.

Speak the truth in love, God should be center of this country, in our homes, our schools and public buildings. Now is the time to return to roots of our faith and stand firm in beliefs and tell the world that God loves them!

Happy Fourth of July!

Pastor John