Friday, July 31, 2009

Loving those that....

I have been overwhelmed this week with God's love for those that don't yet know Him.
Think about this....
1. Jesus came and lived on this earth so that you and I might have life after this life on earth. He gave up His heavenly home so that we could someday have a heavenly home. Would you be willing to give up your home - so someone that you don't know yet, could move in? Not sell your home, share your home.
2. Jesus became sin, so you and I could be sinless. Meaning, He said I will pay the price for everything that you and I ever did that broke God's law. I will be the guilty one and be given a death sentence for our sin. So we can go free!
3. Jesus came back after His death. It amazes me that Jesus came back to earth to make sure that you and I had another opportunity to know of His love. I don't know about you, but if someone had sentenced me to death and I had the opportunity to come back and tell them again that I forgive them and love them... wow! That is amazing!
4. He established His church to keep on reaching those that didn't have the opportunity to meet Him personally (face to face). It's time that the church returns to our original purpose. To love those that need to know Christ. To accept them as they are, to be a live, real, genuine, example of Christ. It's time to stop saving our favorite pew spot and start loving those that want to sit in our favorite spot. It's time to give up my wants and needs, so that His wants (reaching the lost) become my need to love those that need Him.

So on Sunday, (and for that matter all week long) look for those that should be sitting in your seat and invite them to meet someone who will change their live forever! (Jesus)

Pastor John

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