I just finished participating in an awesome event! For the first time we took the Light to a local neighborhood on Halloween. Our church Tiffany Fellowship rented one of those portable light towers and lit up an house in our neighborhood. It was "Light the Night" time! The corner was lit up and people from over 2 blocks away came to see what was going on.
Neighbors that I haven't talked to in over 2 years came out tonight, old neighbors were back walking the streets collecting candy with their kids. One of our local High School Principal's came by walking with his grand kids... Candy, popcorn and hot dogs... and games to play brought the kids parents over to check us out. In just over 90 minutes we handed out over 240 hot dogs and 400 bags of candy.
As we shut things down I began to reflect on a few of the conversations that took place. One neighbor said... "what a great way for your church to be "in" the neighborhood!" Another commented... "we came to your church for an Easter egg hunt years ago!" One that stuck and stung too..."aren't you the church by Quicktrip? Yes we are I said... I drive by that building everyday but never thought about going to church...but this is real nice what you are doing tonight."
It was real nice what we did tonight, 20 volunteers giving of their time to be "in" the neighborhood and show the love of Christ to a world that needs Him.
You see, in order for the church to reach this generation we can not maintain a model based upon the past and tradition. The church must become the answer to the needs of the current generation.
It's time we become an Acts2 church!
Pastor John