I remember as a Junior High student going to Worlds of Fun and one of my favorite rides... "The Bumper Cars"! Not yet having my drivers license I would try to drive that little electric car perfectly straight, calculate every turn to be sure not to "bump" into another car or the wall! My friends quickly showed me that, that is not the game of "bumper cars"and it's not the fun of "Bumper Cars"! The goal is to "bump" people, knock them off course, run them into the wall, get them stuck in corners or get them stuck in traffic while you keep cruising around the track!
Now some 30+ years later that ride hurts when I get in those little cars. One is I am a lot bigger and the car isn't very comfortable! Second, when I get "bumped" it hurts! Third, I don't like having some person I don't even know come by and "knock" me off my plan or change my course on the track!
So why the blog on "bumper cars".... well, I find some adults that are riding through the game of life like it's a bumper car ride. Their goal is "bump" people off their course, to disrupt others plans or frustrate them, get them stuck while they keep moving around the track doing their own thing. Instead of following the direction of traffic and "gently" nudging those around them to keep everyone moving forward and keep from having "head-on collisions!
God gave us boundaries, just like in the game of bumper cars... walls that keep us from going off course. A center line to keep to keep us moving in the right direction. He is also the power to make our cars move, when we move from His power grid the car of life stalls very quickly!
So what's in it for me (WIIFM).
1. Let God set the boundaries... you just need to get in His car and connect to His power.
2. Follow God's direction... don't drive your way and cause "head-on" collisions.
3. When there are people in your path, don't knock them around with the purpose of hurting them or getting them stuck in the corner or traffic, gently nudge them and let them stay in the game and move forward too.
4. Stay in flow of God's moving, when you get out to the edges or in the corners it is easy to get stuck!
5. Have fun! God is the source of life and He wants us to enjoy our days!
Until we "bump" into each other again!
Pastor John
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