Monday, January 25, 2010

Primal - Mark Batterson, Chapter Four - The Island of the Colorblind

I am a few weeks behind on my Chapter by Chapter review of Mark Batterson's book Primal.
It has been an interesting January to say the least! In Chapter Four of the book Primal Mark asks a series of questions. Have you ever had an epiphany? A moment when heaven seemed to invade earth? A moment when eternity seemed to invade time? A moment when the presence of God was so tangible that it almost felt like a cool breeze on a hot day?
Well I had another one of those moments again in my life. I struggle at finding time to read and I really don't like writing. I am trying to become a better reader and writer this year. One of my goals is to read more and to journal more often in 2010!
So what was my epiphany... in my effort to read more and in the middle of reading Primal Chapter Five (which I will blog about soon) God spoke to me during a prayer service on a Wednesday night. If you want to read more and get to know me more read my Word. Well Lord, I am going to do that too, I'm just looking for some "easy" reads and some "quick" reads that will give me more insight and knowledge into you. Then God got right in my face and spoke directly to me... if you want to know me more read my Word. Then the question came... John if you want to know me more why not just go to "the source" (Bible) my inspired word and don't rely on "a source" to give you insight? As Pastor's it is so easy to run to someone else's work and try to get quotes, comments and even sermon topics instead pressing deeper into God's word for quotes, comments and sermon topics. I'm not saying not to do your research for a sermon but we must be careful to keep God the main point not the sub point. I so appreciate my Lead Pastor and his study time and the fact that you know the time he spend in God's word far out weighs the time he spent in research outside of God's word! The Bible is so full of deep meaning and life transformation if we open our minds and hearts to it we will see things we have never seen before!
Here's my challenge and a challenge to you too... for every chapter of a book or books you are reading read at least two chapters of God's word. I am holding myself accountable to reading through the Bible cover to cover again this year... in fact my goal is that I will read it twice... once chronologically and again topically. I can't wait to see what God is going to drop into my life by spending more time with Him!
Will you join me in going to "the source" this year?
Pastor John

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Primal by Mark Batterson - Chapter Three - A drop in the Bucket

I am enjoying the book PRIMAL - A Quest for the Lost Soul of Christianity by Mark Batterson.

Chapter Three really hit me right between the eyes! Thank you Mark! You see, I am a very analytical thinker, I like to provide details and have all my facts when making a decision.

Here's a paragraph from Chapter Three: "Sometimes our minds interfere with our hearts. Logical objections get in the way of compassionate actions. It's not my responsibility. I'm not ready. I can't make much of a difference anyway. I'm certainly not suggesting that you shouldn't count the cost. You should. But if God is speaking to your heart, don't let your mind get in the way of what God wants you to do. Sometimes loving God with all your heart simply means listening to your heart instead of your head."

So where is your head? Is it following your heart and your love for the Lord? What is driving your actions - your needs and wants or His calling to have your heart break for what breaks His heart?

Remember you can make a difference and every penny "dropped in the bucket" can make a difference in a persons life.

Pastor John