Chapter Three really hit me right between the eyes! Thank you Mark! You see, I am a very analytical thinker, I like to provide details and have all my facts when making a decision.
Here's a paragraph from Chapter Three: "Sometimes our minds interfere with our hearts. Logical objections get in the way of compassionate actions. It's not my responsibility. I'm not ready. I can't make much of a difference anyway. I'm certainly not suggesting that you shouldn't count the cost. You should. But if God is speaking to your heart, don't let your mind get in the way of what God wants you to do. Sometimes loving God with all your heart simply means listening to your heart instead of your head."
So where is your head? Is it following your heart and your love for the Lord? What is driving your actions - your needs and wants or His calling to have your heart break for what breaks His heart?
Remember you can make a difference and every penny "dropped in the bucket" can make a difference in a persons life.
Pastor John
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