Thursday, June 11, 2009

Right People, Right Seat, Right Bus

One of my favorite authors is Jim Collins. In his book Good to Great Jim suggests to his readers that in order to be a great company, you need to have the right people in the right seat and on the right bus.
I've been thinking about how that concept fits in the church. We too, need the right people in the right seat and on the right bus. Have you ever found yourself feeling "burned out", overworked or just plain "tired"? Perhaps you're not sitting in the right seat. Or perhaps you feel under utilized, bored or not needed? Not in the right seat, maybe not the right bus?

God may have been calling you to a new find a new seat but you didn't get up and move to where He wanted you to be seated. Think about this... if you are the wrong person sitting in the wrong seat, how does that impact the right person for what would be their right seat? God wants the right person (heart, spirit & soul serving Him) in the right seat. But if you are the wrong person (grumpy, self-focused, tired, burned-out) sitting in the wrong seat you have a double negative impact on the kingdom.

I have not found a church yet that has too many workers for the harvest field. What I have seen is too many workers not sitting in the right seat and perhaps not even on the right bus!

May God challenge us to put Matthew 9:36-38 into practice. Jesus had compassion for the lost, the hurting and those lacking direction. Who will be Jesus to the world today? Will you?

This bus is now leaving the station please take your "right seat"!

Pastor John

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