Thursday, December 10, 2009

Primal - by Mark Batterson, Chapter two - The Tribe of the Transplanted

I am enjoying the book PRIMAL - A Quest for the Lost Soul of Christianity by Mark Batterson.

Have you ever had a sympathy breakthrough? A moment when your inclination to hate was overcome by your will to love? A moment when proactive compassion overrode reactive anger? A moment when you cared more about someone else's pain than your own? I recently dealt with an issue in our School District that hit real close to home and when I saw the student and the Dad it brought tears to my eyes. I had one of those moments!

I believe that God is calling us to a new level of compassion. You see, if we have the heart of God in us, our hearts have been transplanted. We now have His heart and our old selfish heart has been removed and is no longer beating.

I love this quote from Mark's book Primal - "In my experience, it's much easier to act like a Christian than it is to react like one. Anyone can put on an act. But your reactions reveal what is really in your heart. And if you love God with all your heart, you won't just act like it. You'll react like it."

Inside each of us is a God-ordained passion that makes you glad, sad or mad. There is something that breaks your heart because it breaks the heart of God.

The question is this: what are you going to do about it?

I'd love to read your comments on your breakthrough sympathy moment and what you are going to do to be more compassionate.

Talk with you soon,

Pastor John

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thankfulness vs Happiness

Sunday evening we decided that Brenda needed to go to the ER for the pain she was having in her abdomen area. While we were in the ER I begin to reflect on the faithfulness of God. I had just come home from our "Hour of Thanks" service and was so grateful for what God was doing in and through us individually as well as a church. Only to find my bride doubled over in pain and needing to go to the hospital! I was thankful but not happy!

We prayed that God would bring healing to Brenda and that He would use us during this hospital visit reach others and that He would give us opportunities to share His love... I have to admit I am not happy to have Brenda in the hospital but I am thankful for a God that loves us!

Well last night, in the middle of the night Brenda had the opportunity to share her thankfulness for family and friends that are praying for her and to share her thankfulness for God's love. Bren's nurse came in to do the "vitals" check and she asked Bren how she was doing. Brenda replied; "I'm sleeping better than the night before because I have a lot of people praying for me." Then Brenda did her "vitals" check and asked; "Is there anything I can pray with you about?" After a long reflective pause... the nurse said "Well, yes there is... we are having some problems in our marriage so you can pray for my marriage." Brenda said can I pray with you now? The nurse was so taken back that a patient in the middle of night would take an interest in her and offer prayer that she didn't know what to say...

You never know how or when God will use you. So as you reflect on where you are today. Are you happy? Are you Thankful? Are you both? Or are you neither? God loves you and wants to show you His love, open up and let Him change the state of your mind (happiness) and change the state of your heart (thankfulness) and fill you with you His love, His grace, His comfort and His peace... He as done that in me.... even in the midst of Brenda being in the hospital!

Pastor John

Friday, November 27, 2009

Giving Thanks for family

I love Thanksgiving Day! It's one of those days where it's O.K. to kick back, wear your favorite "buffet" pants and to give thanks for all the things that God has blessed you with!

This year I want to give thanks for my family. Mmmm, where to start.... That's really a no brainer! I have the best wife in world...

Brenda I love you and thanks for being such a great supporter and encourager. By the way... I can't wait until our date night this week!

Of course there is my daughter Jessica... what a bundle of love! She loves life and really loves her dogs and movies! Jessica we need another movie night. I am so proud that you are living your dream, working in the field that you always wanted and you are making on your own (with a little help from Dad)!

And not to be listed (last but he is the youngest) there is my son Bradley... the great debater! Bradley has the ability to engage in conversation with everyone he comes in contact with, he is one of the best debaters of his Senior Class... Wow, Senior class... off to college next year to pursue his dream of becoming an Attorney. Did I say he was a great debater? I wouldn't want to face him in a court room! Bradley you make your dad proud! Keep up the arguing with others and not me! LOL!!!

I also want to say thanks to my parents for their impact in my life and our family. Thanks for being the Godly parents that modeled for us Christ's love.

So thank you Lord, for my family and blessing me with such a great wife, great kids and great parents...! Thank you Lord.... Amen

Pastor John

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Getting plugged in!

I just had the opportunity to speak tonight for our Wednesday night Bible Study. As I was preparing this afternoon, the Lord kept reminding me over and over again the importance of being plugged into Him.

I love the opportunity to share my heart and God's word and watch Him work in my life and the others lives! Tonight we looked at the need to connect with God and each other. What an impact we make when we are connected as a church.

We started the hour by breaking into teams of two and finding out one thing we didn't know about the other person. It was amazing what we found out from each other in less than 3 minutes. Then we took the teaching from Romans 12 and discussed the importance of each of us exercising the gifts that God has given us and working in an aligned, focused and compassionate manner.

Can't wait to see what God has in store of us on Sunday.

Pastor John

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Living each day like it's your last

What if you knew that today was the last day that you had to live?

What would you do differently?

I recently had one of those dreams that was very real to life. I dreamt it was my last day. In my dream my focus everyday was to make an impact for Christ. I lived my life so that everyone who came in contact with me saw Christ.

As I woke up... I heard the Lord say to me, "It's not your last day, you many days to live, but I want you to live like you did in your dream!"

Meaning - I need to die daily to myself and pick up my cross and follow Christ. It's not all about me, it's all about Jesus and making sure that the people that I encounter get a chance to see Jesus in me. Make every contact count, did the person see Jesus in me? Did my actions reflect my love and my relationship with Christ? What if that was the last time I had to talk with them... did they see Jesus in me?

God is calling us to a higher standard of living. We are not guaranteed tomorrow, we need to live each day like it's our last.

Make a difference in someones life today!

Pastor John

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Light the Night

I just finished participating in an awesome event! For the first time we took the Light to a local neighborhood on Halloween. Our church Tiffany Fellowship rented one of those portable light towers and lit up an house in our neighborhood. It was "Light the Night" time! The corner was lit up and people from over 2 blocks away came to see what was going on.

Neighbors that I haven't talked to in over 2 years came out tonight, old neighbors were back walking the streets collecting candy with their kids. One of our local High School Principal's came by walking with his grand kids... Candy, popcorn and hot dogs... and games to play brought the kids parents over to check us out. In just over 90 minutes we handed out over 240 hot dogs and 400 bags of candy.

As we shut things down I began to reflect on a few of the conversations that took place. One neighbor said... "what a great way for your church to be "in" the neighborhood!" Another commented... "we came to your church for an Easter egg hunt years ago!" One that stuck and stung too..."aren't you the church by Quicktrip? Yes we are I said... I drive by that building everyday but never thought about going to church...but this is real nice what you are doing tonight."

It was real nice what we did tonight, 20 volunteers giving of their time to be "in" the neighborhood and show the love of Christ to a world that needs Him.

You see, in order for the church to reach this generation we can not maintain a model based upon the past and tradition. The church must become the answer to the needs of the current generation.

It's time we become an Acts2 church!

Pastor John

Friday, October 16, 2009

I love riding Bumper Cars...

I remember as a Junior High student going to Worlds of Fun and one of my favorite rides... "The Bumper Cars"! Not yet having my drivers license I would try to drive that little electric car perfectly straight, calculate every turn to be sure not to "bump" into another car or the wall! My friends quickly showed me that, that is not the game of "bumper cars"and it's not the fun of "Bumper Cars"! The goal is to "bump" people, knock them off course, run them into the wall, get them stuck in corners or get them stuck in traffic while you keep cruising around the track!

Now some 30+ years later that ride hurts when I get in those little cars. One is I am a lot bigger and the car isn't very comfortable! Second, when I get "bumped" it hurts! Third, I don't like having some person I don't even know come by and "knock" me off my plan or change my course on the track!

So why the blog on "bumper cars".... well, I find some adults that are riding through the game of life like it's a bumper car ride. Their goal is "bump" people off their course, to disrupt others plans or frustrate them, get them stuck while they keep moving around the track doing their own thing. Instead of following the direction of traffic and "gently" nudging those around them to keep everyone moving forward and keep from having "head-on collisions!

God gave us boundaries, just like in the game of bumper cars... walls that keep us from going off course. A center line to keep to keep us moving in the right direction. He is also the power to make our cars move, when we move from His power grid the car of life stalls very quickly!

So what's in it for me (WIIFM).

1. Let God set the boundaries... you just need to get in His car and connect to His power.
2. Follow God's direction... don't drive your way and cause "head-on" collisions.
3. When there are people in your path, don't knock them around with the purpose of hurting them or getting them stuck in the corner or traffic, gently nudge them and let them stay in the game and move forward too.
4. Stay in flow of God's moving, when you get out to the edges or in the corners it is easy to get stuck!
5. Have fun! God is the source of life and He wants us to enjoy our days!

Until we "bump" into each other again!

Pastor John

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Why Worship?

God’s blessing for the true worshipper, when true worship takes place, Look at these promises!

1. Be with them (Matt 18:20) and to have close personal interaction (Rev 3:20)
2. To guide and surround them with his glory (Ex 40:35, 1Peter 4:14)
3. To shower them with blessings (Eze 34:26) especially peace (Ps 29:11)
4. To give them overflowing joy (Ps 122:1)
5. To answer their prayers when offered in sincere faith (Mark 11:24)
6. To freshly fill them with his Holy Spirit and with boldness to live for Christ and to tell others about him (Acts 4:31)
7. To work among them in special and obvious ways through his Holy Spirit (1Cor 12:7-13)
8. To guide them into all truth through the Holy Spirit (John 15:26)
9. To purify, develop and set them apart for his purposes through the power and instruction of his Word and Holy Spirit (John 17:17-19)
10. To comfort, encourage and strengthen them (Isa 40:1)
11. To expose the reality of sin, righteousness and judgment (John 16:8)
12. To spiritually save people whose sinfulness in revealed to them during a worship service (1Cor 14:22-25)

It's Sunday morning... time to enter into His courts with Praise!

Pastor John

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Worship - What does that really mean? - Part 3

Other ways that we are to worship the Lord....

Prayer is a vital aspect of worship. The OT saints constantly communicated with God through prayer. The leaders of the NT church also prayed continually after Jesus ascended into heaven and prayer became a regular part of Christian worship. These prayers could be personal or they could be intercessory. As with singing, praying could be done with a known human language or in tongues.

Confession of sin was clearly an important part of OT worship. God had established the Day of Atonement of the Israelites as a time for national confession of their offenses against God (Lev. 16) In his prayer at the temple Solomon acknowledged the importance of confession. When Ezra and Nehemiah realized how much God’s people had broken and neglected his law, they led the entire nation of Judah in an intense public prayer of confession (Neh 9). When Jesus gave his followers an example of how to pray he taught them how to ask for forgiveness of sins. James instructs believers to confess their sins to each other (James 5:16) because admitting spiritual faults and failures can provide accountability and inspire assurance of God’s gracious forgiveness.

Worship also includes the public reading of God’s Word and the preaching of its truth. In OT times, God arranged that every seven years, at the feast of Tabernacles, all Israelites were to assemble for a public reading of the Law of Moses (Det 31:9-13). The clearest example of this element of OT worship came during the time of Ezra and Nehemiah (Neh 8:1-12) Scripture reading became a regular part of the Synagogue worship on the Sabbath. In a similar way, when NT believers gathered for worship they also heard God’s word along with teaching, preaching and practical challenges based on the truth of the Word (1Tim 4:13)

This week take time to worship in prayer, confessing your faults before the Lord and when the Pastor preaches the Word, maintain your attitude of worship and let the Lord bless you!

Next week - Worship part 4

Pastor John

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Worship - What does that really mean - Part two

Expressions of Christian Worship
The Bible describes true and sincere worship as taking many forms and postures including bowing down (I Kings 1:47-48), standing (Ex 33:10), dancing (2Sam 6:14), clapping and shouting (Ps 47:1), raising hands, Ps. 134:2), kneeling (Dan 6:10), walking and leaping (Acts 3:8) and lying face down or flat on the ground (Rev 5:14). The key is as long as they these expressions are appropriate to the particular situations and are sincere responses to an awareness of God’s presence, they are acceptable to God. Regardless of the posture of worship several elements tend to characterize true Godly worship.

Two key principles help direct or guide our worship.
a. Genuine worship takes place in spirit and in truth (John 4:23). In other words, true worship is not just a physical or mental activity; it is a spiritual exercise - an appropriate response to how God has revealed himself to us, particularly through his son Jesus. Worship involves heartfelt interaction between the human spirit and God’s holy spirit.
b. The practice of Christian worship must fit the New Testament pattern for the church (Acts 7:44). We should desire, pursue and expect the same kinds of worship expressions and experiences described throughout the New Testament.

Singing is one important way to praise/worship God, singing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. The Old Testament is full of encouragement to sing to the Lord. At the time of Jesus’ birth the entire heavenly multitude burst into a song of praise (Luke 2:13-14). The NT church was a singing community (1 Cor 14:15, Eph 5:19). The Bible describes NT Christians as singing with the mind (Human language) or with the spirit (in singing in a spiritual language, tongues). Under no circumstances did they view singing as a form of entertainment disguised as worship. Although singing and music are significant forms or expressions of worship, we must be careful not to view music as the primary means of worship, nor should we allow it to take the place of true worship. Music certainly can inspire and facilitate true worship, but at times it can overpower the senses and direct attention away from God. In this way, people end up worshipping a song, a singer, or a feeling rather than worshipping God.

Remember, true worship requires us to respond to God's character and presence by expressing gratitude for who He is and what He has done for us. Sincere worship requires a faith commitment and an admission that He alone is God. Which means that we acknowledge that He is the Lord - the Leader and ultimate authority in our lives.

Log in next week for part 3 - Other ways we worship that we might not always see as worship.

Pastor John

Friday, September 18, 2009

Worship - What does that really mean?

The English word worship is derived from an Old English word "worthship". The word describes actions and attitudes that honor the worthiness of God as we express awe and adoration to Him.

True worship is God-centered, not man centered. It focuses on God's character traits (omnipresent, Omnipotent, omniscient, eternal, unchangeable, perfect & holy) that are much different that man's traits.

True worship requires us to respond to God's character and presence by expressing gratitude for who He is and what He has done for us. Sincere worship requires a faith commitment and an admission that He alone is God. Which means that we acknowledge that He is the Lord - the Leader and ultimate authority in our lives.

So this Sunday as you worship the Lord by singing, shouting, giving and responding to His word remember who He is and what He has done for you. When that happens it is really hard to sit and just observe the Lord... He wants us to participate in worship.... So stand up, raise your hands lift your voice and let your hair down and give it all to Him!

Pastor John

Friday, September 11, 2009

Back to Church Sunday - Sunday Sept. 13th

Did you know that 82% of those that don't attend church are likely to attend if personally invited? Did you know that only 2% of those that regularly attend church invite just one person each year?

Join me in inviting your friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, etc. to church with you this Sunday.!

We (Brenda & I) have had so much fun hanging about 200 door hangers and personally inviting over 20 people to church on Sunday. I can't wait to see who is there on Sunday...

If you don't have a church that you attend... join us @ and 9 & 11 this Sunday morning.

Pastor John

Friday, September 4, 2009

Labor of Love

As we head into the Labor Day holiday weekend... let's consider the ultimate labor of love that Jesus demonstrated for us...

Jesus took 30 years to prepare Himself for His ministry. He then worked tirelessly for 3 1/2 years. The only days off He took were the Sabbath days. He traveled anywhere and everywhere to reach those that needed to hear the message that Jesus is the Messiah. From the Synagogue to the mountainous terrain, from the waterside chats the hills filled with those that had gathered. Jesus shared His love.

The ultimate sacrifice was the shedding of His own blood as He died on the cross so that you and I might have life.... but it didn't end on the cross, He arose three days later to complete ultimate gift of life... that is that we might have eternal life with Him.

Today, He intercedes for us daily, minute by minute He is there on our behalf talking to the Father.

So when you are having "one of those days" or you are celebrated the "holidays" remember that you have a Savior who loves you and gave you the ultimate labor of love!

Pastor John

Saturday, August 29, 2009

What a crazy week!

This week has been crazy... 3 days on the road, 2 days spent visiting with my little nephew and family as he under went heart surgery. 1 day moving our daughter into a new place and now getting ready for an awesome (1) day at church!

The sabbath day.... after this week I am beginning to understand why the Lord says to take 1 day and rest in Him....

Don't forget Sunday September 13th is Back to Church Sunday.... Will you join me in inviting friends, neighbors and others to come back to church and regain their rest in the Lord. Isaiah 40:31 says they that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength.

I don't know about you, but I am ready to have my strength renewed.... more next week.

Pastor John

Friday, August 21, 2009

It's back to school and time to go back to church!

The Power of The Invitation

Here in Missouri every August is back to school month. Kids meet new friends and get reacquainted with old friends. Teachers work to create an environment that is inviting and fun for kids, in addition teachers work to create an excitement about coming back to school.

What would happen if we invited our friends back to church?
What if we had an environment that was welcoming, fun and exciting?
What would happen if we asked the question: How about coming with me to church on Sunday?

Perhaps one of the most underestimated reasons people return to the Church is that someone simply invited them back. Overall, 41% of the formerly churched said that they would return to the local church if a friend or acquaintance invited them. Younger adults are even more influenced by the power of the invitation. Approximately 60% of those ages 18–35 would consider attending or returning to church if someone they knew asked them to come back. A simple, yet powerful invitation is all it may take to prompt a homecoming.

Who are you going to invite to church on Sunday?

Pastor John

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ministry or Program?

I've been thinking this week about all that we do (the busyness) in the church. Are we providing a ministry or are we doing programs? And is there a difference? I decided to look up the definition via

The definition of a ministry is: The act of serving or One that serves as a means

The definition if a program is: a plan of action to accomplish a specified end or a plan or schedule of activities, procedures, etc., to be followed.

Here's our reflection... are you a minister or a program director?

Jesus set the example for us. He was a minister. His passion, His purpose, His entire ministry was that of one who came to serve. Jesus' plan was to reach lost and dying people. He did that in so many ways. His ministry was to see individuals come to know Him as their personal Lord and Savior.

With Jesus as our model, let me ask you. Are you focusing your attention on serving or is your attention on programming? It's not about getting through a curriculum or gaining titles, pins, certificates, badges, etc. Programs don't save souls... Jesus does. It's about knowing Jesus. And serving Jesus!

So this week, let's all be ministers and let someone else be the program directors! Don't forget to invite a friend to church this week too!

Pastor John

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Want to make a difference?

Being a missional church is not an easy task in today's society. Church is looked at as being boring, not relevant and for an "older person". We must model for our culture what it really means to be a Christian. Jesus was anything but boring! He was constantly stirring the crowd, challenging the religious leaders and making bold statements. He was so out there that the leaders of the day wanted Him dead!

I don't know about you... but I am ready to make a difference in this culture... look at this statement from Outreach ministries in their guide Back to church.

”I Want to Make a Difference.” - Taken from Back to Church

Almost a third of the formerly churched mentioned that if they were to return to church, they would want to be part of a local body where they could make a difference. By and large, people within the church feel more fulfilled in their lives when they sense that God is using them. And churches with high expectations of their members are actually more likely to draw people back into the fold. People want to serve and know that they are contributing to something significant. Making new members aware that the bar is set high for their contribution does not deter them,
but rather motivates them to be a part of the local church.

If those that are not in the church would come back if they could make a difference, why are we that are in the church not willing to create those opportunities to make a difference? Hmmmm

Join me this fall in bringing people back to church... not by creating a building or an organization, but by being a living organism that will change the world if we just let God truly be in charge.

Pastor John

Friday, July 31, 2009

Loving those that....

I have been overwhelmed this week with God's love for those that don't yet know Him.
Think about this....
1. Jesus came and lived on this earth so that you and I might have life after this life on earth. He gave up His heavenly home so that we could someday have a heavenly home. Would you be willing to give up your home - so someone that you don't know yet, could move in? Not sell your home, share your home.
2. Jesus became sin, so you and I could be sinless. Meaning, He said I will pay the price for everything that you and I ever did that broke God's law. I will be the guilty one and be given a death sentence for our sin. So we can go free!
3. Jesus came back after His death. It amazes me that Jesus came back to earth to make sure that you and I had another opportunity to know of His love. I don't know about you, but if someone had sentenced me to death and I had the opportunity to come back and tell them again that I forgive them and love them... wow! That is amazing!
4. He established His church to keep on reaching those that didn't have the opportunity to meet Him personally (face to face). It's time that the church returns to our original purpose. To love those that need to know Christ. To accept them as they are, to be a live, real, genuine, example of Christ. It's time to stop saving our favorite pew spot and start loving those that want to sit in our favorite spot. It's time to give up my wants and needs, so that His wants (reaching the lost) become my need to love those that need Him.

So on Sunday, (and for that matter all week long) look for those that should be sitting in your seat and invite them to meet someone who will change their live forever! (Jesus)

Pastor John

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Showing love for our spouses!

Last Sunday evening we watched the movie Fireproof. Great movie! As a former Volunteer Firefighter I really got into the role played by Kirk Cameron. The adrenalin rush as a firefighter when the bell rings in absolutely incredable. But why don't we get the same rush with our spouses? After all aren't they hotter than any fire?

My fear is that we sometimes let the embers burn too low and we don't work to stoke the fire that can rekindle the love flame for our spouses. In the movie, the father gives his son a book... "The love dare" is a 40 day challenge that will get the adrenalin rush going in your marriage, and it might even re-ignite the flame! Check it out...

I loved some of the quotes from the movie that really made me think....

"A real man has to be a hero to his wife before he can be a hero to anyone else. Or he ain't a real man!"

"You have to lead your heart. Your heart can be deceived."

"Watch out for parasites! They steal away your loyalty and your heart. They will destroy you!"

"I learned you never leave your partner... especially in a fire!"

This week do something memorable for that special love in your life. Something unexpected! Something to show them that you love them more than others.... Be their hero!

Tell them how much you love them! (By the way.... as you read this Brenda.... I love you!)

Pastor John

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It's half-time - Time to plan, prepare and pursue your dreams

Here we are on July 15th, the second half of the year has begun. So where are you in plan or dreams for 2009?

Looking back on my plans for 2009 I need to do some re-focusing and re-prioritizing. I started the year with several plans and one plan was to read through the Bible this year. I did great until the end of February and since then, well I have some catching up to do!

On the business side, we are on track. Why is that? It's because we review our plans daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly. So it is harder to sway off course. We hold each other accountable.

So here's the question.... Why don't we hold ourselves more accountable spiritually? Is it the fear of not meeting God's expectation or man's expectation? Is it that we don't have a spiritual plan?

Whatever the reason, now is the time to plan, prepare and pursue those spiritual dreams. Get close to God and hear His heart, listen to His voice, read His Word and let Him speak directly into your life. Seek Him with all your heart, soul and mind!

I am looking forward to hearing and seeing what God is doing in you this second half of 2009!

May the Lord Bless you!

Pastor John

Thursday, July 9, 2009

What's your thoughts on why people love Jesus but not the church...

I woke up early this morning wrestling with the reasons on why people love Jesus but not the church. Just before I arrived at our staff meeting I heard the Lord in that still small voice say; "Why don't you wrestle with me and don't worry about the "church"". I realized that I was spending too much time trying to make "man" happy versus just doing what Jesus asked us to do, which is be His disciples, model Christ to the world and He will take care of the rest.

So I twittered the question this morning and here are some of the responses... thanks for responding. And Susan, thanks for the great quote - "Casual about church - Serious about God" I love it...

"The thing that came to my mind first was (1)the church is made up of people and (2)some have been hurt, disappointed, and rejected so they withdraw from organized fellowship".

"The people, with all their flaws, the gossip, the clicks, the rumors, the money, the clothes, It can be scary. I do not feel like people feel they can just walk in off the street, in what they are wearing and be accepted. AND they should be able to. The church is what they need".

"good point about "can just walk in..." We changed churches 3 1/2 years ago, after 27 years at the place my husband served as elder 26 of those years. Our new one is very unpretentious and, while it took us middle-class, suburbia folks a little time to get used to it...we love it. One of their motto's is: casual about church, serious about God".

"I am not against dressing up. I love to. Just most of the time, people cannot afford to. They feel like they have to, and will not come out of pride".

"because Jesus is flawless while loving everyone unconditionally and the church is flawed".

May we all be more like Jesus in a world that need Him more everyday!

Pastor John

Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July

As we celebrate this 4th of July, please take time to remember our troops that are continuing to fight for our freedom. Just as our founding fathers stepped out in faith to frame this wonderful country, it's now time for us to step out in faith.

Speak the truth in love, God should be center of this country, in our homes, our schools and public buildings. Now is the time to return to roots of our faith and stand firm in beliefs and tell the world that God loves them!

Happy Fourth of July!

Pastor John

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Peaks & Valleys

I just finished reading a book by Spencer Johnson, M.D. called Peaks and Valleys, making good and bad times work for you - at work and in life. I really enjoyed the book and the message that is made through a story of man going through the valleys in search of the peaks.

Let me share just a couple of thoughts with you....

1. Peaks and Valleys are not just the good and bad times that happen to you. They are also how you feel inside and respond to outside events.

2. Peaks and Valleys are connected. The errors you make in today's good times create tomorrows bad times. The wise things you do in today's bad times create tomorrow's good times.

I highly encourage you to pick up the book, read it and put in place the simple strategies to get you out of a valley sooner, stay on the peak longer and have more peaks and fewer valleys.

Pastor John

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Thinking about Dad's on Father's Day

This Sunday June 21st will be Father's Day and I find myself reflecting on my relationship with my Dad and my Father-in-law. Two men that have shaped me into the man that I have become. It is an awesome responsibility to be a dad as I think of the impact we have as Father's.

When I was little guy I remember my Dad as a stern disciplinarian. The words "wait till your father gets home" rang home to me... and I remember seeing my Dad being moved to tears by God and watching God change his life when I was a young teenager. From the time that he sang (what I think was his first solo ever) in the church cantata, to times of praying in the men's bible study to experiencing and participating with Dad worshiping God in a Sunday service, he has been an influence in my life.

When I met Brenda's dad I was intimidated. A Pastor, a strong man, with real passion for God and the things of God. I always wanted to be on my best behavior with Brenda! I will never forget one of my first encounters watching ESPN (Baseball, his favorite sport) and a commercial came on and he changed the channel, turned to me and said, "I don't like watching the commercials and having those thoughts/images in my mind"! What an example of taking captive every thought and not letting the world influence you. Another influence in my life.

So here I am with two kids whom I love and adore and it's now my time to model for them the love of God the Father. And then to demonstrate what it means to love and to discipline in the love of God in order to raise them to love the Lord with all their heart, mind and soul. I am so thankful for both the models that God gave me in my earthly fathers.

So on Father's Day, tell your dad what he means to you.... Dad I love you and I thank you for showing me how to turn my life over to God so that I can love my wife and my kids the way God wants me to love.

Thanks Dad!

Pastor John

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Right People, Right Seat, Right Bus

One of my favorite authors is Jim Collins. In his book Good to Great Jim suggests to his readers that in order to be a great company, you need to have the right people in the right seat and on the right bus.
I've been thinking about how that concept fits in the church. We too, need the right people in the right seat and on the right bus. Have you ever found yourself feeling "burned out", overworked or just plain "tired"? Perhaps you're not sitting in the right seat. Or perhaps you feel under utilized, bored or not needed? Not in the right seat, maybe not the right bus?

God may have been calling you to a new find a new seat but you didn't get up and move to where He wanted you to be seated. Think about this... if you are the wrong person sitting in the wrong seat, how does that impact the right person for what would be their right seat? God wants the right person (heart, spirit & soul serving Him) in the right seat. But if you are the wrong person (grumpy, self-focused, tired, burned-out) sitting in the wrong seat you have a double negative impact on the kingdom.

I have not found a church yet that has too many workers for the harvest field. What I have seen is too many workers not sitting in the right seat and perhaps not even on the right bus!

May God challenge us to put Matthew 9:36-38 into practice. Jesus had compassion for the lost, the hurting and those lacking direction. Who will be Jesus to the world today? Will you?

This bus is now leaving the station please take your "right seat"!

Pastor John

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Servant Leadership

Servant Leadership... interesting title understanding that many who are "first" shall be "last" and the "last" shall be "first", Matthew 19:30. Jesus came to serve, not to be served... and was a great leader. What an awesome example for us!

I've been reading Jesus' teaching in Matthew 20 about being a laborer for God and the request of a mother for her two sons to be seated on the right and left side of Jesus when he entered heaven. It's really not about earthly titles or roles. We need to be thinking eternally just as James and John's mother was thinking. But understand that titles and the seating chart is not what God is concerned about, it is about serving others so that they too can know eternal life.

Jesus models for us what it means to be a Servant leader. He set the example by being a leader while serving others. He always put others before Himself. He listens and responds, shows compassion and love, provides direction and encouragement. The list could go on and on.


What kind of a leader or example are you?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Joy of serving

I will never forget the day that Jeff Roman came over to our home after church to mow my lawn so I could spend time with the family before going out of town on a business trip.
During Sunday School that morning I mentioned the crazy schedule that I had and the limited time available to spend with the kids.

During lunch the doorbell rang and it was Jeff. He said he was here to mow. No way I said, I don't need you to mow for me! Jeff replied, I am here to serve. The Lord prompted me to come over and bless you, so here I am. I sat at the table with tears in my eyes that someone would come and serve me like that.

That was about eight years ago this month. Jeff said it was his joy to serve. That comment has stuck with me ever since that day. Lord, give me the "joy" to serve others. Whether it is mowing, taking someone to the Dr. office or perhaps just being available to listen to someone in need.

Do you have the joy to serve? Ask God today to put in your heart the desire to serve others. I have and let me tell you that there is real "joy" in serving!

May the Lord bless you today as you serve others.

Pastor John

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sunday morning Pastor Barry made an announcement that we need "All Hands on Deck"!
Well, we had "All Hands on Deck" with over 35 volunteers participating in supporting the Haney family, extended family and the community. And for that...

I want to say a “big" thank you for blessing the Haney family and the community that visited Tiffany Fellowship during the visitation and the funeral this week. The compliments continue to come in from the Funeral Directors to the School District, from family to friends and from people in our own congregation.

In Christ,

Pastor John

Monday, May 18, 2009

Celebrating Life

In times of real hurt and loss it is sometimes hard to feel the love of God. We are so overwhelmed with grief and sorrow we tend to look inward not upward. This past week Cameron Haney went home to be with the Lord. Cameron made a huge impact in students and adults lives far beyond what any of us knew. The stories of how Cameron shared Christ with others, was a friend to those that needed a friend seemed to never end this week. At the hospital, during the Odessa graduation and even those that stopped by the house to share the memories of what a great guy we all know as Cameron continue to live on. Remember when the going gets tough, the tough fall on their knees and look to God for strength and comfort. Call on God today.... He is waiting!

So here are some reflections...

When someone asks what's it like to hang out with you, how will you be described?

What will people say about you when you are no longer here?

Do you know where your eternity will be spent?

I know that God in His sovereign will wants each of us to know Him personally and to spend eternity with Him... Are you ready?


Monday, May 11, 2009

Just getting started

Welcome to my first blog... come back soon...