Thursday, July 23, 2009

Showing love for our spouses!

Last Sunday evening we watched the movie Fireproof. Great movie! As a former Volunteer Firefighter I really got into the role played by Kirk Cameron. The adrenalin rush as a firefighter when the bell rings in absolutely incredable. But why don't we get the same rush with our spouses? After all aren't they hotter than any fire?

My fear is that we sometimes let the embers burn too low and we don't work to stoke the fire that can rekindle the love flame for our spouses. In the movie, the father gives his son a book... "The love dare" is a 40 day challenge that will get the adrenalin rush going in your marriage, and it might even re-ignite the flame! Check it out...

I loved some of the quotes from the movie that really made me think....

"A real man has to be a hero to his wife before he can be a hero to anyone else. Or he ain't a real man!"

"You have to lead your heart. Your heart can be deceived."

"Watch out for parasites! They steal away your loyalty and your heart. They will destroy you!"

"I learned you never leave your partner... especially in a fire!"

This week do something memorable for that special love in your life. Something unexpected! Something to show them that you love them more than others.... Be their hero!

Tell them how much you love them! (By the way.... as you read this Brenda.... I love you!)

Pastor John

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