Thursday, July 9, 2009

What's your thoughts on why people love Jesus but not the church...

I woke up early this morning wrestling with the reasons on why people love Jesus but not the church. Just before I arrived at our staff meeting I heard the Lord in that still small voice say; "Why don't you wrestle with me and don't worry about the "church"". I realized that I was spending too much time trying to make "man" happy versus just doing what Jesus asked us to do, which is be His disciples, model Christ to the world and He will take care of the rest.

So I twittered the question this morning and here are some of the responses... thanks for responding. And Susan, thanks for the great quote - "Casual about church - Serious about God" I love it...

"The thing that came to my mind first was (1)the church is made up of people and (2)some have been hurt, disappointed, and rejected so they withdraw from organized fellowship".

"The people, with all their flaws, the gossip, the clicks, the rumors, the money, the clothes, It can be scary. I do not feel like people feel they can just walk in off the street, in what they are wearing and be accepted. AND they should be able to. The church is what they need".

"good point about "can just walk in..." We changed churches 3 1/2 years ago, after 27 years at the place my husband served as elder 26 of those years. Our new one is very unpretentious and, while it took us middle-class, suburbia folks a little time to get used to it...we love it. One of their motto's is: casual about church, serious about God".

"I am not against dressing up. I love to. Just most of the time, people cannot afford to. They feel like they have to, and will not come out of pride".

"because Jesus is flawless while loving everyone unconditionally and the church is flawed".

May we all be more like Jesus in a world that need Him more everyday!

Pastor John

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