Friday, August 21, 2009

It's back to school and time to go back to church!

The Power of The Invitation

Here in Missouri every August is back to school month. Kids meet new friends and get reacquainted with old friends. Teachers work to create an environment that is inviting and fun for kids, in addition teachers work to create an excitement about coming back to school.

What would happen if we invited our friends back to church?
What if we had an environment that was welcoming, fun and exciting?
What would happen if we asked the question: How about coming with me to church on Sunday?

Perhaps one of the most underestimated reasons people return to the Church is that someone simply invited them back. Overall, 41% of the formerly churched said that they would return to the local church if a friend or acquaintance invited them. Younger adults are even more influenced by the power of the invitation. Approximately 60% of those ages 18–35 would consider attending or returning to church if someone they knew asked them to come back. A simple, yet powerful invitation is all it may take to prompt a homecoming.

Who are you going to invite to church on Sunday?

Pastor John

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