Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ministry or Program?

I've been thinking this week about all that we do (the busyness) in the church. Are we providing a ministry or are we doing programs? And is there a difference? I decided to look up the definition via

The definition of a ministry is: The act of serving or One that serves as a means

The definition if a program is: a plan of action to accomplish a specified end or a plan or schedule of activities, procedures, etc., to be followed.

Here's our reflection... are you a minister or a program director?

Jesus set the example for us. He was a minister. His passion, His purpose, His entire ministry was that of one who came to serve. Jesus' plan was to reach lost and dying people. He did that in so many ways. His ministry was to see individuals come to know Him as their personal Lord and Savior.

With Jesus as our model, let me ask you. Are you focusing your attention on serving or is your attention on programming? It's not about getting through a curriculum or gaining titles, pins, certificates, badges, etc. Programs don't save souls... Jesus does. It's about knowing Jesus. And serving Jesus!

So this week, let's all be ministers and let someone else be the program directors! Don't forget to invite a friend to church this week too!

Pastor John

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