Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Living each day like it's your last

What if you knew that today was the last day that you had to live?

What would you do differently?

I recently had one of those dreams that was very real to life. I dreamt it was my last day. In my dream my focus everyday was to make an impact for Christ. I lived my life so that everyone who came in contact with me saw Christ.

As I woke up... I heard the Lord say to me, "It's not your last day, you many days to live, but I want you to live like you did in your dream!"

Meaning - I need to die daily to myself and pick up my cross and follow Christ. It's not all about me, it's all about Jesus and making sure that the people that I encounter get a chance to see Jesus in me. Make every contact count, did the person see Jesus in me? Did my actions reflect my love and my relationship with Christ? What if that was the last time I had to talk with them... did they see Jesus in me?

God is calling us to a higher standard of living. We are not guaranteed tomorrow, we need to live each day like it's our last.

Make a difference in someones life today!

Pastor John

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